Blogging 101

Taking Risks on Your Blog

with 6 comments

Taking risks on your blog

I feel like you all had a strong reaction to my last post about Your Blog As A Concept, so I thought I’d expand on one of the topics I covered: taking risks.

There are elements of a blog that are going to seperate you from other bloggers. One post that is going to get someone to click. To stay. To read more. To comment. Someone will read a title and find it interesting. But what will get them to STAY? It’s typically not going to be the common blog post about mowing the lawn, or heading to the beach, or how difficult work is. What does risky blogging look like? Here are a few examples of my favorites:

Put yourself out there. Be honest with yourself and your readers. But more, be honest about what you want to accomplish. Be the author who is control of your blog and your writing. A blog is a place you can experiment because you can always delete.

(Image: WarholianPics)

Written by Hayley Krischer

October 10, 2011 at 1:47 pm

Posted in Taking risks

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6 Responses

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  1. Thanks Hayley. This is very affirming!


    October 10, 2011 at 2:11 pm

  2. Thanks for the shout out of my Renegade Writer post! And that Bloggess one you linked to — hilarious. PR people are the lifeblood of the journalism business? Please. I’ve been freelancing full time for 14 years and I have asked to be removed from EVERY SINGLE PR list that reps have put me on. I’ll come up with my own ideas, thank you. Been doing it since 1997, don’t plan to stop now.

    Linda Formichelli

    October 10, 2011 at 2:30 pm

    • Your blog post can teach all of us, including my students, a great lesson in speaking how you feel even if it’s not exactly what people want to hear. And fascinating about being removed from PR lists. No interest in working with any of them? I’ve found a few that seem worthwhile. But otherwise agree, the pitches I get are really out there.

      Hayley Krischer

      October 11, 2011 at 12:27 am

  3. I’m already ahead of you.


    October 10, 2011 at 2:52 pm

    • Yes, I see that from your site, futuristically yours, that you are ahead… of all of us? Slightly confused, but thanks for the like. I think.

      Hayley Krischer

      October 11, 2011 at 12:32 am

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